It’s that time of year again! The holiday hustle and bustle. Go, Go, Go! Lots of stress…

When do you slow down? When do you take it all in? When do you stop to be grateful?

Holiday season always seems like a drag. There’s the glitz and the glitter which is fun to look at, but all the behind the scenes is A LOT! And even if you love to decorate and celebrate like me, it can also be too much.
One of the things that we forget is to be GRATEFUL!
It’s that time of year again! The holiday hustle and bustle. Go, Go, Go! Lots of stress…

When do you slow down? When do you take it all in? When do you stop to be grateful?

Holiday season always seems like a drag. There’s the glitz and the glitter which is fun to look at, but all the behind the scenes is A LOT! And even if you love to decorate and celebrate like me, it can also be too much.
One of the things that we forget is to be GRATEFUL!
Now, you may say Shilamida, I am grateful everyday, but then I will ask, are you really truly intentionally grateful every day?
Can you honestly answer that with a YES? Ok and if you are grateful, are you intentionally grateful 20 times a day? And actively giving, receiving, loving and vibrating at a positive manifesting frequency??? It’s ok, not many people do, or even know how to….
And that is why my original body of work was created and this challenge!
This is the 6th year in a row that I am hosting my 31 day Gratitude Challenge and you are invited to join me as we journey to co-creating the life you desire!
In 2017, I released my first best seller, 31 Days of Gratitude - Create the life you desire. The reason why I chose 31 days is because it takes 21 or 28 days to create or break a habit, according to different scientific studies, so I thought we would go - one - step - further!
In this challenge, we will be grateful every single day together! The beauty of this is you get to see what other people are grateful for. 

I have done this with hundreds of people over the years and the feedback is always incredible!
I didn’t know my desires, until I saw other people that had it… and the game changer was seeing those things through a lens of love not envy!

We will go over all of this LIVE as I answer any and all questions about manifesting on November 1st for our kick off call, half way through for our activation and at the end for a celebration call.
I have done this with hundreds of people over the years and the feedback is always incredible!

and that's not all, there's more to gain...

Here's What You Will Receive Inside The 31 Day Gratitude Challenge:

and that's not all, there's more to gain...

Join the 31 Day Gratitude Challenge Today For Only $33 USD

But wait...
Did you know that I am a 3 time best selling author and 2 of those books are on Gratitude?? As a part of this challenge I would love to offer you an autographed copy shipped directly to you!!
Get my children's gratitude book, I am grateful for my life + The 31 Day Gratitude Challenge for just $48 shipped directly to you!
••• OR •••
Get my 31 Days of Gratitude Journal + The 31 Day Gratitude Challenge for just $55 shipped directly to you!
••• OR •••
Get them BOTH BOOKS + THE GRATITUDE CHALLENGE for just $66 shipped directly to you!

If you are ready to take the leap, let's fly!

“If you are thinking about attending anything that involves Shilamida—quit thinking, andget your body in her presence! I recently attended a 1 day Forgiveness Retreat and it was profound. enlightening. healing. interactive. nourishing. transformative. Shilamida knows how to create the space for you to release, grow, transform and connect with like-minded people. It is a true honor to call her one of my spiritual mentors.” 
~ M. Shannon Hernandez

"So grateful for a beautiful & much needed meditation with Shilamida Kupershteyn! It allowed me to invite in lots of healing and good energy and release anything that was not of my highest good! I then journaled for a bit after to set my intentions and invite in more healing, love and light into my life! These are the moments that really help my mental health and keep me aligned with where I am meant to be!
Have you taken some moments for you today?
If not there is still time!
~ Heather Leacault

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